Europe-wide citizen identity via eIDAS

to know for sure who your customer is

For whom?

Service provider companies who offer consumer services that require legally accepted authentication and identification with the state of the art cyber security. 

What we offer

Strong Europe-wide citizen identity via eIDAS network (who this citizen is)

Secure, strong authentication

Fresh and authentic personal data retrieval from government authority sources

Government level trusted technology, accepted by court

Adaptive authentication and platform security based on award winning breach monitoring service

What are the benefits

You know for sure who your customer is

Optimal user experience for your customers

Improve your efficiency and reduce cost

Integrate with your services easy and fast

Reduce the risk of fraud (ID and $)

Overview of key technologies

F-Secure’s Rapid Detection and Response is integrated with VeryID servers to fully ensure cyber security and can be
integrated with VeryID’s clients for security orchestration purposes. Find out

Bittium Secure Suite is integrated with VeryID identity ecosystem and provides mobile
device intelligence to the end user device.
Find out more:

Our partners

HQ: Budapest, Kacsa u. 11, H-1027, Hungary, EU